Saturday, August 29, 2009

Introducing me!

Hello all, I’m Brittany and I am currently a sophomore at J. Sarg. I find it incredibly hard to describe myself to other people and I’m not entirely sure why, so I’ll try my best. I was born on July 5, 1990 in the wonderful city (yeah right) of Richmond, Virginia. I am an only child and I currently live with my parents and four cats. I have two best-friends: Alana is an advertising major at VCU and Stacey is a Psychology/Occupational Therapy major at VCU. I use music to describe my moods, and my lifestyle, more often than not because I feel that there are certain songs that can describe me and my situation better than I’ll ever be able too. I currently work at Pump It Up, in Ashland, as a Party Attendant. This basically means that I stand there and supervise/entertain children while they play on giant inflatable moon bounces. I’m unfortunately guilty of watching A LOT of TV, which again, can often tell a lot of people more about me than I probably could. The main shows that I keep up with are: NCIS, Burn Notice, Criminal Minds, CSI New York, Bones, and House; I’m also terribly addicted to Chelsea Lately and Ace of Cakes. I'm a Salvation Army volunteer, and for the entire month of November, and the first 20 days of December, you can find me at malls all around the Metro Richmond area working at an Angel Tree booth. The company that my dad works for, Howell's Heating and Air Conditioning, is one of the major sponsors of the Angel Tree program, and over the past five years they have recruited my dad and I, along with a good friend of ours Jeff, as spokespeople for the program. I love the program and what I do for it more than just about anything else that I spend my time on :). I am really into photography, and I use this as a way to represent and describe me and my lifestyle, it is rare that I’m ever seen without a camera in my hands. Let’s see, I’ve been friends with the same group of kids for almost 5 years now, and there are very much like a second family to me. I’m a very active person, and it is rare that you ever see me sitting still for more than ten minutes at a time. I’m an avid runner, I swim probably better than I walk; I also dance, play soccer, and hike.

So enough of me rambling about the stuff that doesn’t really matter, and on to the interesting stuff: Why I’m here? and more interestingly: Where I’m headed after Sarg? As for the first question: I’m taking this class A) because it was the only way I could get Survey of American Lit to fit into my schedule and B) because I’ve had Steve for English both in the Fall of 2008 and in the Spring of 2009 and I liked his teaching and the way things were done and figured that if I had to take an online class that I would feel safe taking it with someone that I already knew. Now onto the question that a lot of people seem to be asking me lately: Where am I headed after Sarg? Well right after I graduate, in the Spring of 2010, I’m headed to Blacksburg, Virginia for a week to be with family, but I don’t think that’s what people want to hear, so here’s the answer I think you’re looking for… After I’m done at Sarg I’m hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) headed to VA Tech (Radford University is my second choice, VCU my third). While there I want to major in Psychology, with a minor in Political Science. (If I go to Radford I plan to double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice, with a minor in Political Science; I have no idea what I’m going to do if I get stuck going to VCU). I then want to go to Grad School to get my Masters in either Forensic Psychology or Social Psychology (I have no idea where at yet though). My dream job is to be a profiler for the government and for any of you who have ever seen an episode of Criminal Minds (the entire show is based off profilers for the BAU) or Bones (Dr. Sweets is a profiler for the FBI) than you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t ever seen one of those shows, and have absolutely no clue what it is a profiler does here is the definition: a set of techniques used by law enforcement agencies to try to identify perpetrators of serious crime; also called offender profiling ( I mainly I want to work in Terrorism Prevention, but at the same time I want to take a crack at the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) of the FBI. Other than having that dream, I have no idea where I’m headed after I graduate from Grad School.

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